*Hit play on the video & the full screen button (in the lower right corner) to see the template in action!
A bookings & events site
Full screen images and videos captivate the viewer into the site. This template is great for creating an engaging space whether it’s just online or extends into the real world.
The built-in event calendar includes pages for information on each event. These pages are auto-formatting, so it makes it easy for the client to add new events while keeping the same design.
The scheduling feature is run by Calendly and is embedded into the site to keep the customer booking process seamless. This allows the client to update their own calendar and add new services without a site redesign. Calendly is priced separately (the most economical I’ve found with a free one-service version) and can include at-booking payment options on the site. Don’t worry, I can assist with the initial set-up process. This booking feature can also be added to events.
The Shop or Popup promo add-ons would be a great addition to this site (see here). Monthly content design packages are available for new promos and events as well. Please inquire.
Services, offerings & classes
Co-working, community & gathering spaces
Fitness & wellness services
Instructors, guides & teachers
Online or in-person
Anyone who needs to book services & upcoming events
*Scroll through screenshots of each page included.